Born May 25th, 2008
2:59 pm
6 pounds 13 ounces
Length 19 3/4 inches

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kinley's Second Haircut

I want Kinley's hair to grow out, but she was getting quite the baby mullet, so back in March we took her for her second haircut. This haircut was just to trim up the back a little to make her hairstyle less of a mullet and more like a bob.

Here are a couple of "before" pics.

And here we are just outside the hair salon. (I think Kinley figured out where we were going.)

We went to the same salon we took Kinley to for her first haircut, but this time she picked to sit in the pink car. It worked out well for her because they were playing Dora The Explorer at that station. They did a good job trimming Kinley's hair and once she got over her initial shock she seemed to calm down a bit.

This was the best "after" pic that we could get of Kinley before she darted out of the salon. Off she goes!

1 comment:

Jody said...

These pictures are great! The "before", the "Hey, where are we" to the "getting the haircut" pictures are just so funny! Such a little cutie!