Continuing a good trend, Kinley's residual at 1:00 pm was only 0.5 ccs and her residual at 5:00 pm was a mere 1.5 ccs.
Yea!!! Mommy's here! Kathy arrived just before the evening shift change. This week was Kathy's first full week back at work and she has worked very hard to make sure and see Kinley every day. It has not been an easy week, but I know that it will definitely be worth it when Kathy can be there when Kinley is at home.
After Kathy arrives (and says hello to Kinley) and before the evening shift change Holly tells us that they will decrease Kinley's oxygen flow to 1 liter per hour over the night because she is doing so well at keeping her blood oxygen saturation up. Since Kinley still has not pooped though, they will keep her feedings at 5 ccs per hour until she does. They have ordered another glycerin suppository for tonight to help move things along. While Holly is telling us about Kinley's feedings and pooping, Kinley gets a very serious look and then turns her whole face red. We all joke that she was working on making a "dirty" diaper so she could get more food. As Kathy and I pack up our stuff to leave for the shift change Holly decides to go ahead and check out Kinley's diaper. Unfortunately for Holly, but great for Kinley, the diaper was full. Kinley had had an explosion in her pants. Man, I can't wait for when Kinley is at home and I get those dirty diapers all to myself. (In case you don't know me, there is a good bit of sarcasm in that last sentence.)
After shift change, at 9:00 pm, Kinley's residual is checked again and it comes back with 9 ccs. Janece, the night nurse, calls it in and they decide to continue Kinley's feedings at 5 ccs per hour. We leave around 9:45 pm. It is so hard to leave when Kinley is wide awake and so cute. Below are a few pics of Kinley from when we had to leave. It is so hard to leave when she is awake.
Way to go, Miss Kinley! POOP Queen you could be! Papa Kevin will be a wondeful pooper cleaner upper!
Kathy, we get the impression that you'll once again get time off when Kinley goes home? great for all three of you! Rest while you can Kathy & Kevin! Keep up the progress Kinley! Prayer continue!! LMS+families
Look at you holding your pacifier like a big girl, Kinley! Good for you!
The Millers
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